Histopatologi kasustikker

Til alle dere i NFDV som ønsker prøve seg på digital histopatologi.

Har fått tilsendt noen kasustikker fra våre nordiske venner på Island der man kan klikke seg inn og prøve sin kunnskap.


Katarina Z Stangeland

Leder NFDV

During this time of lockdowns and social distancing we are encouraged to engage in physical exercise and activities. However, as professionals, we need to keep our minds alert. In constructing this exercise, I had residents and younger dermatologists in mind, as they may benefit from instruction and encouragement at this time.

I put together 10 cases, each of which has a history, clinical photo(s) and a digital (virtual) histopathological slide(s). There are two questions about each case to be answered and submitted, to get access to a pdf documents with the answers, information on the case/disease and references.

Adobe Flash Player http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/  is required, see Technical Requirements below

The link is https://vdpmaterial.nivdp.com/dsb/login.php

Register as a New User, fill in the information

Use Activation Key: Nordic and click Next

Create a new username and password (not previously used by you in this software).

Go through the Demonstration case to familiarize yourself with the software.


Ellen Mooney, MD

Nordic Institute of Virtual Dermatopathology