Undersøkelse fra Global Coalition for Melanoma Patients

Til alle medlemmer i NFDV,

Vi har blitt kontaktet fra Global Coalition for Melanoma Patients som ønsker se på påvirkningen av Covid-19 og Melanom.

De ønsker tilbakemelding fra så mange dermatologer som mulig, men det er kort frist (månedens utgang)


Katarina Zak Stangeland

leder NFDV

Unsurprisingly, the global Covid pandemic has led to missed skin check appointments. This in turn is leading to missed melanoma diagnoses. So it is more important than ever that we encourage the public to conduct skin self-examinations – just as we have with our ‘Look Up’ campaign earlier this year.

We are therefore planning to prepare a press release to share with you in January that gives an estimation of missed skin checks and early-stage melanoma diagnoses in each country, and also promotes the skin self-examination tools and guidance that we have to offer. To inform this press release, we have prepared a short, 5-question/2-minute survey to be answered anonymously by dermatologists. This is not designed to be a detailed academic/scientific study, just a quick survey that gives us good headlines to engage media interest.  We need as many dermatologists as possible to complete the survey by the end of November.

I would be very grateful if you could send this link (https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6KJR5GV) to your network of dermatologists in your country including, if possible, to your national dermatologists’ association asking that they distribute the link to their members.

With your help, and with this data, I think we can create a powerful news story in January that raises awareness of the need for skin self-examinations, while putting useful skin check tools in the hands of the public – at a time when they particularly need them.

the global Covid pandemic has led to missed skin check appointments