Psykiatrisk komorbiditet og livskvalitet

1. Depression, anxiety and reduced health related quality of life in dermatological patients (Klinisk forskning) - Flora Balieva, Hudavdelingen, Stavanger Universitetssjukehus i samarbeid med Oslo Universitetssykehus, Florence Dalgard, . Multisenter studie med deltakelse av 13 europeiske land.

Design: Cross-sectional observation study.
Background: Several skin diseases are known to cause depression, anxiety and reduced life quality. Little is known on the extent of psychiatric comorbidity and life quality for skin diseases in general. Participants from Norway: 795 patients and controls from 2 centres in Norway (Stavanger and Oslo).

Participants, total: 4994 patients and controls from 13 European countries. Non-selected adult patients who met for their consultation at a dermatological department were asked to participate. Inclusion criteria were age above 18, read and write the local language and not have any serious mental disease.

Main objective: Show the extent of psychological burden in patients suffering from skin diseases. Secondary objectives: Evaluate reduced life quality in dermatological patients across Europe using a generic and dermatology specific instrument. Timeline: This is a 50% PhD project. The project should be completed by the end of March 2018.

There is a lack of knowledge on the degree of psychiatric comorbidity and reduced life quality for patients with skin diseases in general. We see significantly higher odds for patients to be depressed or anxious and significantly reduced life quality for all chronic skin diseases. Resource allocation for the needs of dermatological patients is highlighted. The study will open for further investigation in this field.