Nordic Seminar 2007 "Strategies to combat chronic respiratory diseases"

300 million people have asthma, more than 200 million people have COPD while millions of others have allergic rhinitis and other chronic respiratory diseases. The Norwegian society of Allergology and Immunopathology, the Norwegian Ministry of Health, Global Alliance against chronic Respiratory Disease GARD - WHO and The Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Foundation in collaboration with GA2len meet to discuss strategies to combat chronic respiratory diseases.
 Issue Speaker

Practical Information

Ass. Professor Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen
Chairman NFAI

Opening of symposiumVegard Harsvik
State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Health
Part 1: Burden and challenge of respiratory disease  
Why does the WHO worry ?
-The global chronic respiratory diseases epidemics
Dr. Alvaro A. Cruz
World Health Organisation
A real global challenge ?
-The Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD) 
Professor Jean Bousquet
President of GARD
Does the Norwegian Medical Association worry enough ? Dr Torunn Janbu
President of Norwegian Medical Association 
The importance  of early life events in the prevention and
control of chronic respiratory diseases
Professor Kai-Håkon Carlsen
The Norwegian GARD representative and Chairman
of the European Lung Foundation
Part 2: How to meet the challenges 
What and how should the non-health-profession society change ?Mr Geir Endregard
General secretary. The Norwegian Asthma-
and Allergy Association
The European patients approach to fight respiratory diseases ?Mr Svein Myrseth
Chairman. The European Federation of Asthma and allergy
A new strategy to combat asthma, allergy in Norway

Dr Anders Smith
Senior Advisor. The Norwegian Ministry of Health

The Finnish strategy to combat allergies the next 10 yearsProfessor Tari Haahtela
Chairman. The Finnish Allergy Programme 2008-2018
 and the Finnish National Institute of Public Health
 The Baltic perspective on combating allergic disease Professor Arunas Valiulis
 University og Vilnius. Lithuania
 Panel discussion 
 Summary and close Dr Anders Smith
 The Norwegian Ministry of Health

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