13. september 2008

Legers motiver for valg av spesialitet under og etter studiet / Motives for choice of specialty during and after medical school

Aasland OG, Røvik JO / Rovik, Wiers-Jenssen J. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2008; 128: 1833-7.
13. september 2008

Lower life satisfaction in Physicians compared with a general population sample: a 10-year longitudinal, nationwide study of course and predictors

Tyssen R, Hem E, Gude T, Grønvold NT, Ekeberg O, Vaglum P. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2008 Jul 19.
13. september 2008

Arbeitszufriedenheit bei Krankenhausärzten und -ärztinnen in Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Erhebung im Herbst 2006 / Job Satisfaction of Hospital Doctors. Results of a Study of a National Sample of Hospital Doctors in Germany

Rosta J, Gerber A. Gesundheitswesen 2008; 70: 519-24.
13. september 2008

Brev til redaktøren: O. G. Aasland og R. Førde svarer

Aasland OG, Førde R / Forde R. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2008; 128: 2351.
13. september 2008

Counselling for burnout in Norwegian doctors: one year cohort study

Isaksson Rø KE, Gude T, Tyssen R, Aasland OG. BMJ 2008; 337: 1146-9.
13. september 2008

Helsepersonell håndtering av pasientopplysninger / Health care professionals’ handling of patient data

Andresen H, Aasland OG. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2008; 128: 2823-7.
13. september 2008

The long and winding road to widespread implementation of screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems. A historical overview with special attention to the WHO initiatives

Aasland OG, Nygaard P, Nilsen P. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift (NAT, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs) 2008; 25: 449-76.
13. september 2008

Screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems in Norway. Not a big hit among general practitioners

Aasland OG, Johannessen A. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift (NAT, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs) 2008; 25: 515-21.
13. september 2008

Legers erfaringer med individuell refusjon for legemidler / Physicians´ experience with increased use of individual reimbursement for pharmaceuticals

Levorsen A, Kristiansen IS, Aasland OG. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2008; 128: 1829-32.

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