Depressive symptoms in pregnant and postpartum women. The role of ethnicity, level of integration, and physical Activity: the STORK–Groruddalen population-based cohort study. 3.6.19

Nilam Shakeel: «Hvordan vil du bygge opp en evidensbasert tjeneste for å oppdage, forebygge og gi tidlig behandling av psykisk sykdom i svangerskap og post- natale periode i Norge?»

Hovedveileder: Anne Karen Jenum: Medveileder: Egil Wilhelm Martinsen
Prøveforelesning og disputas 3.juni 2019

Sammendrag av avhandlingen:
There is strong evidence that depression during pregnancy and postpartum may have adverse health effects on mother and infant. The aims of this thesis were to assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms in the perinatal period in a multiethnic population, and explore the association with ethnicity, the level of integration, and physical activity.
We used data from the Stork Groruddalen study, a prospective cohort, with data from early pregnancy to 3 months postpartum from 823 healthy pregnant women, attending the Child Health Clinics in Groruddalen in Oslo in 2008-2010. The included women were representative for the pregnant population in the city districts. Physical activity was recorded objectively, all information material was translated into eight different languages and the study included those who did not speak Norwegian. Hence, 59% of the participants were of ethnic minority background.
We found that ethnic minorities have more than doubled risk for developing depressive symptoms measured by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, EPDS, compared to Western European women both in pregnancy and postpartum. Ethnic minority background, negative life-events, poor self-reported health and depression earlier in life are associated with depressive symptoms in late pregnancy. Ethnic minority background, negative life-events, depression earlier in life or pregnancy and lack of social support are associated with postpartum depressive symptoms. When replacing ethnicity with the level of integration in the models, a low level of integration was associated with perinatal depressive symptoms. Further, physical activity during pregnancy in line with recommendations was associated with lower level of depressive symptoms postpartum.

AMFF sitt reisestipend vunnet på Nidaroskongressen i oktober.
Oslo-fastlege og ph.d. Nilam Shakeel fikk Allmennmedisinsk forskningsfond (AMFF) sitt reisestipend under Nidaroskongressen i oktober. Da hadde hun og 19 andre forskere innen allmenn- og samfunnsmedisin presentert sine forskningsprosjekter på Forskningsdagen. Prisen var på kr 20.000.