Revisjon av White book

Det startes nå et internasjonalt arbeid med å oppdatere "White book" og i den forbindelse er det også mulighet for våre medlemmer å delta i denne dugnaden!

Dear colleagues, 

We  hope  all  of  you  are  doing  well  since  our  last  meeting  in  Saint Petersburg.
Attached you  can  find  the  final  list  of  New  Evidence based  Position Papers (EBPPs) with all authors
and e-­‐mails  included. So we can start since now the process by firstly deciding among each group who
will be the   first  author  of  each  document.  After  that,  we  could  start  by distributing the
work as well as the article searches with the first Delphi round after this.  
Please    see also    attached    the recently    approved manuscript “Methodology   of   ‘Physical   and   Rehabilitation   Medicine   practice, Evidence
Based Position Papers -­‐    The European position’ produced by the UEMS-­‐PRM Section”
 that you could use as a guide. It could help you for  the process development. However such document has not been published yet.  
We both wish a very successful work to all of us and we will check its progress in the next meeting in Athens. Please send a feedback to us (Enrique and Carlotte) by the end of December (  

We are sure this further e-­‐book  on Field of Competences-­‐Part  II will represents a big
stimulus for our medical speciality and disabled people will also benefit in the long term 

Kind regards and good energy!!!  
Please do not forget to send the feed back to us 

Enrique Varela-­‐Donoso     
Carlotte Kiekens 

Chair of the PPC 
Deputy Secretary of the PPC