Nyhetsbrev fra presidenten i IFCN, August 2021.

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Dear Colleagues,

CLINPH Editor-in-Chief Ulf Ziemann’s choice of the month for July is: Subclinical epileptiform activity accelerates the progression of Alzheimer's disease: A long-term EEG study.

Horvath AA, Papp A, Zsuffa J, Szucs A, Luckl J, Radai F, Nagy F, Hidasi Z, Csukly G, Barcs G, Kamondi A. Clin Neurophysiol. 2021 Aug;132(8):1982-1989. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2021.03.050. Epub 2021 May 8

This is a very important paper highlighting the importance of EEG in the (early) diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. With novel and innovative analysis methods the EEG already plays an increasing role in this diagnosis by representing a key functional biomarker. Here the focus is on the subgroup with epileptiform activity which tentatively benefits from antiepileptic drug therapy, at latest in this small subgroup with non-convulsive status epilepticus.

Other updates ....on July 17, Professor Lawrence Hirsch presented the ICU EEG Terminology Update during the Masterclass by IFCN. If you weren’t able to attend the live session, there are only a few more days to view the video on our website before it is removed on August 6. Thereafter, interested viewers can learn more on the Standardized Critical Care EEG Terminology from ACNS.

This fall, The IFCN will form the Election Committee for new officers, who will begin their duties at the ICCN in Geneva, September 2022. Each Chapter will be asked to nominate two people for the Election Committee.

The General Assembly date has been set for November 5, 2021, and it will once again be virtual. An announcement is going out this week, so readers will receive details. At that meeting, the site for ICCN 2024 will be announced.

The next Masterclass by Professor Armando Tello will deal with “Neurophysiology of the Pelvic Floor: Its Contribution to the Diagnosis and Management of Incontinent Patients” on Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 10:00 am EDT (4:00 pm CET).

I wish everyone a nice summer, not too hot and not too cold, which seems to be not easy at the moment!

With Best Wishes,

Walter Paulus
IFCN President