13. september 2003

Fastlegereformen. En analyse av fastlegenes arbeidsbelastning og tjenestetilbud

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13. september 2003

Women doctors in Norway: the challenging balance between career and family life

Gjerberg E. Social Science & Medicine 2003; 57: 1327-41.
13. september 2003

Leger i par / Dual-doctor marriages

Gjerberg E. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2003; 123: 2300-3.
13. september 2003

The pharmaceutical industry - an agent in the battle for just distribution of health care resources?

Førde R / Forde R. I: 400 years and the way forward. International Conference on Public Health. Bergen 15th - 17th of June 2003; 104-9.
13. september 2003

Medical end-of-life decisions in Norway

Førde R / Forde R, Aasland OG, Steen PA. Resuscitation 2002; 55; 235-240.
13. september 2003

Work characteristics and morbidity as predictors of self-perceived health status in Norwegian physicians

Stavem K, Hofoss D, Aasland OG. Scand J Public Health 2003; 31: 375-81.
13. september 2003

Medical doctors` perception of the "number needed to treat" (NNT). A survey of doctors´ recommendations for two therapies with different NNT

Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS, Aasland OG, Førde OH / Forde OH. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2003; 21:162-6.

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