About us

The Norwegian Medical Association (NMA) has a dual role as a professional association and a trade union for Norwegian physicians.

The main aims of the Norwegian Medical Association are to secure the professional, social and financial interests of our members. We strive for high professional, scientific and academic standard in medical education, both at the universities and in the continuing medical education. As an important stakeholder, the Norwegian Medical Association takes an active part in the development of the health care system in Norway.

Approximately 95 % of the physicians in Norway are members of the Norwegian Medical Association. Physicians and medical students are eligible for membership in the Norwegian Medical Association. Applications for membership are reviewed by the secretariat, with a statement that the applicant accepts the bye-laws and other rules of the Norwegian Medical Association.

Members are registered in divisions according to their occupation and geographical location. Hence, members of the Norwegian Medical Association are automatically included in a trade union and a local branch of the Norwegian Medical Association. Approved specialists are also registered in medical societies according to their specialisation. For information regarding membership-fee, see our website. 

Membership of the NMA entitles you to use the initials MDnlf (Member of the Norwegian Medical Association) and to receive a subscription to the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association as a benefit of the membership. In professional matters, members have a right to individual assistance from elected representatives and/or the Norwegian Medical Association's secretariat. Members undertake to abide by agreements and decisions that have been made by the Association's bodies in compliance with the bye-laws and rules of the Association.